Issuing creator token at by AITG Samurai

AITG Samurai
Watch, 7 min

Hi, everyone. I’m AITG(Anti Internet Tough Guy) Samurai, a reincarnated Bishōjo samurai creator. I’m a member of xR Tech Nagoya, which is an event managing and creation group for metaverse space, and in charge of production business.

画像1 xR Tech Nagoya&Dev

About two months have passed since we listed projects of xR Tech Nagoya at “Stakes.Social”, a new sponsoring platform. In this article, as one of the creators, I’ll explain my projects, current situation, impression and prior knowledge for those who want to join Stakes.Social as creators.

Topics permalink

01: What’s Stakes.Social? permalink

Stakes.Social is a platform that realizes a support done by Dev, a crypto asset, for Open Source Software (OSS) projects. It is managed by Frame00 Inc.

Thanks to one of its features in which both supporters and creators can profit from the deposit of Dev, we can solve an issue of “the difficulty in continuous support and reward” by existing crowd funding and fan economy platform. Normally, some people find it impossible to give direct reward to supporters due to their non-profit quality, however, Dev will be one of the most optimal options for people who must make a huge effort to add continuity into their projects.
When I first heard of it, I wanted to list “my useful hobby-like projects that are hard to monetize”.

02: What’s Project HPS(Hubs Public Scene)? permalink

xR Tech Nagoya, a group that I currently join, is doing its best to produce public space where people can deal with VRSNS “Hubs” that work on browser developed by Mozilla.

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Hubs is a VRSNS in which you can use it for free without registering an account and can easily talk with anybody through voice chats as well as texts in a VR space. Users themselves become creators there, and can also show the space and each material that they’ve made to users around the world. Its service has a lot of flexibility.

In addition to Hubs’ flexible trait, commercial use of it is allowed as well. Since its open version that started in April 2020, there have been increasing number of cases where users utilize Hubs for business. However, when they create their spaces by contract work, they cannot open the most of their sources publicly. For general users who just want to use Hubs as a communication tool, and for conscientious creators who want to have a look at the contents of spaces, there is a lack of public spaces which are openly released on platform now.

Because xR Tech Nagoya had a sense of having such challenges, we launched “HPS (Hubs Public Scene)” project for the production of public space. The purpose and way of using open spaces are for festivals, seminars, education, casual meetups etc. For creators, we’ve uploaded created materials including 3D models which are the basis of the contents at GitHub.

画像3 xR Tech Nagoya Hubs

Token Symbol:HPS

Completely open space permalink

  • Sauna space

Partially open space due to the matter of materials permalink

  • Stakes.Social community space DevV

Mr. Imoto, CEO of Warashibe, Mr. TAAKE from Japan crypto assets market as well as worldwide users of Stakes.Social gather at community space DevV. We manage it in order to ensure a place to communicate with and to contribute to the activities in the initial phase of DEV community.
Reference (

画像4 DevV AMA

On March 18th, we held AMA of Dev Protocol. More than 20 people from all over the world visited. DevV was used for disseminating and sharing information among community members.

03: Achievement for the last two months permalink

I think the amount of reward is one the most interesting topics for those who show much interest in Dev Protocol and Stakes.Social. We, xR Tech Nagoya, have received the total staking support of 12,369.98 DEV for HPS as of April 1st, 2021. This amount is equivalent to a total market capitalization of approximately 18.50 million JPY (1DEV = 1,500JPY). This is amazing!

Creators, in this case, xR Tech Nagoya, always receive creator reward little by little for fluctuating APY. For example, if APY is 20% - 50% for this project, we profit minimum 3.7 million JPY or maximum 9.25 million JPY for annual reward. Of course, there is a case where APY and price themselves fluctuate in accordance with the demand for DEV or where individuals who support creators by staking terminate their staking. At this moment, we’re not sure how much we would gain for our current business after a year has passed.

As one of creators who list my project to Stakes.Social, I feel comfortable for having patrons while focusing on my creative activities, but at the same time, I also feel a little pressure in producing contents not to let go of such patrons. However, it is highly possible for us to increase patrons depending on our achievement, so we might feel like making a living in the system of basic income.

04: Prior knowledge you should know permalink

The following list is the points where xR Tech Nagoya felt a difficulty in listing at Stakes.Social. I hope my experience would be beneficial for those who are interested in joining Stakes.Social in the future.

Necessary gas fee for listing permalink

You need to pay for a commission for generated transaction when creator token is issued at the time of listing your project. In the case of xR Tech Nagoya, we paid around $250 for a commission. The price would increase depending on the fluctuation of gas fee. Therefore, I think you might feel reassured if you could prepare an extra amount of ETH that is equivalent to $1,000 (0.5ETH) in MetaMask.

Be aware of the project name you’ll register permalink

Our project name that we uploaded at Stakes.Social is “xR-Tech-Nagoya/Hubs-Public-Scine”. At first, an error occurred when we typed spaces at the left and right side of “/”. Since there is no comment telling you errors during the process, you should be careful for typing your project name.

If you’re asked to pay for too expensive gas fee permalink

You would be asked to pay for unlikely amount for gas fee, if you have errors in the procedure of listing. As soon as you find any expensive invoice, you should carefully check whether you have errors in the project name or in other areas or not. If you’re not sure, I recommend that you should contact administrators.

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05: Future of HPS permalink

We’ll continue to develop our community space DevV. We would change the style of DevV for each season, or try an experiment on it. There would be events as well to raise the awareness of DEV with community members. For the other spaces, we’ll release a number of spaces, just like DevV, where people can promote and spread blockchain project community.

At the time of such release, we’re thinking about producing contents which have higher quality than the current ones for Hubs by paying for 3DDG engineers from the outside of xR Tech Nagoya, if we can afford it. We always welcome your kind support and collaboration. We’d be grateful if you could choose HPS when you start your support at Stakes.Social.

This time we had such a great chance to share our story about Stakes.Social with you from a perspective of xR Tech Nagoya. We deeply appreciate our supporters as well as DevV users for assisting our projects. We’ll continue to watch over the growth of our projects as objectives to manage and support, and would be happy if you could utilize and play with our products. We’re looking forward to your participation!

Thank you for reading this article.
If you have any inquiries about this article, DevV, or anything that we can help you with, please send a DM to the following Twitter.

Anti Internet Tough Guy侍

<Listed project>

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- Dev Protocol releases all codes as OSS in public. Your contributions are welcome.(Sometimes there are bounties.)
Dev Protocol GitHub

- DIP (Dev Improvement Proposal) process is also released. We’re looking forward to seeing your comments on it.🌟