Dev Protocol AMA
Dev Protocol AMA #2
Dev Protocol AMA # 2 will be held on the following dates.
Post future development plans, technical questions, etc. about the Dev Protocol
Holding period permalink
2021/05/10 - 2021/05/14
Question method permalink
If you would like to ask a question about Dev Protocol, please use the form below.
You can also ask questions from the URL below
About the answer permalink
Answers will be given at any time
We will continue to answer even after the holding period has passed
Prohibited matter permalink
AMA prohibits questions and remarks that fall under the following, and if found, we will take measures such as deleting it without permission.
- Remarks related to the price of DEV
- Remarks recommending investment
- Remarks showing superiority or inferiority in experience and level
- Remarks that show the difference in education
- Remarks that express socio-economic status
- Remarks that are judged by nationality
- Remarks such as appearance, race, religion, or gender identity and sexual orientation
Use of sexual words and images - Insulting / derogatory comments
- Personal or political attack
- Public or private harassment
- Disclosure of other people's personal information such as address without permission
Special Thanks permalink
We received ideas from many people in the community for holding this Dev Protocol AMA # 2.
Thank you very match !!
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In order to provide you with better contents in the future, please let us know your questions, feedbacks etc.🌱
▶ Post on Forum
- Dev Protocol releases all codes as OSS in public. Your contributions are welcome.(Sometimes there are bounties.)
▶ Dev Protocol GitHub
- DIP (Dev Improvement Proposal) process is also released. We’re looking forward to seeing your comments on it.🌟