Deep Dive Khaos

Watch, 19 min


Hi, I'm aggre.

In this article, you'll get an idea about Khaos, which is developed as a side project for Dev Protocol.

Khaos brings information, which doesn't exist on blockchain, into blockchain from the outside of blockchain, and has a function of an "oracle". It is sometimes called Khaos Oracle.

Necessity of Oracle

We see various types of oracles as well as Khaos on Ethereum. Ethereum is a huge state holding a chain of state transitions based on defined protocols by smart contracts. That means if certain data doesn’t have any input transactions, it can’t exist on Ethereum. If you want to gain data source to be input from HTTP, you have to input HTTP response manually or let reliable bots automatically input it. Oracles are used for the latter case. Let’s say you’ve made a "blockchain game in which winners are those who could accurately predict tomorrow's temperature in Tokyo." In this case, you need "temperature data in Tokyo." Which do you think is more reliable: A) Alice, a temperature-freak girl, who inputs the data manually, or B) A smart contract that is programmed to let a bot input data obtained from the database of the Japan Meteorological Agency? Oracles are a must-have technology if you want to choose B.

Necessity of Khaos

For a general implementation of oracles, you start by emitting events from smart contracts. Subsequently, a server/node composing oracle protocols detects the events, and finally, the oracle calls up callback functions. By adding information that smart contracts require (such as "temperature" in "Tokyo") into payloads of events to emit, oracle protocols get to know what the smart contract needs.

Khaos is an oracle that enables you to conceal payloads for oracle requests. If you need to obtain the information to oraclize based on a secret token, you need to detoxify such a token by turning its format into a public one.

With Khaos, you can oraclize your requests depending on your secret token on the public blockchain while concealing your secret token.

Use Khaos

You can use Khaos for your Dapps. If you use SDK for frontends and Starter Kit to implement oracle functions, you can start its development.

Currently, smart contracts, which can be used for Khaos, are limited to smart contracts composing the core of Dev Protocol or to Market, Policy contracts. In the future, Khaos can be used for all smart contracts.

Oracle flow of Khaos permalink

Learning about Khaos' oracle flow is a great start for developing Khaos. It comprises several components such as Khaos Core, Khaos Functions, Khaos Registry, etc. The most important thing for developers is the following flow:

  1. Call Sign API (RESTful API) of Khaos, and obtain Public Signature after converting data subject to concealment into public.
  2. Emit events from smart contracts. At this point, by including Public Signature in event payloads, you can deal with your concealed information for the oracle functions that you defined.
  3. Khaos calls callback functions that you defined and closes its flow.

Khaos provides oracles with high flexibility as it entrusts a number of interfaces to users. In order to achieve this, users need to implement various interfaces by themselves. However, you can quickly start your development by using Khaos Starter Kit.

Public Signature permalink

One of the most significant keywords to handle Khaos is Public Signature.

Public Signature is a string encrypted by Json Web Tokens. Information used for encryption is open, so all of us can generate and decrypt it. In other words, secret information is not included in Public Signature at all, and it can be open to public. With Khaos, you can save your secret information with Public Signature as a key, and make use of it only inside Khaos instance.

Public Signature is the same as encrypted "the following JSON string" by "sender's Ethereum account address."

"i": "...",
"m": "..."

You can check the implementation and the tests of it at Khaos Core. khaos-core/src/sign/publicSignature at main · dev-protocol/khaos-core (

Khaos Starter Kit permalink

dev-protocol/khaos-starter-kit: 🌌Start developing Khaos Functions now (

We provide templates for users' interfaces to define.

After you fork and clone this repository, you can start development at your local environment. The package management of Khaos Starter Kit is done by yarn, so you have to install yarn in advance.

$ git clone
$ cd khaos-starter-kit
$ yarn

In src directory, templates for interfaces and tests that you need to define are written in TypeScript.

For Khaos Starter Kit, we recommend eslint-plugin-functional, an ESLint plugin for your security. Though you can change its setting freely, we suggest that you should use it without changing its setting.

abi.ts permalink

You can define and export abi as the ABI of your smart contract as array written in Human-Readable ABI Format on this file.

In the case of an event like Query and of smart contracts possessing callback functions that callback, you can write as stated below. Only event and callback functions are used for Khaos. Therefore there is no need to define everything if although other interfaces are present in the smart contract.

import {Abi} from '@devprotocol/khaos-core'

export const abi: Abi = [
'event Query(string calldata fooId, string calldata publicSignature, address account, bytes32 queryId)',
'function callback(bytes32 queryId, bool result) external;'

addresses.ts permalink

You can define and export addresses as the addresses of your smart contracts where emit oracle requests as the function that returns Promise<string | undefined>. The return value of this function is also used for addresses of callback functions.

The function receives the following object as the argument.

type Options = {
readonly network: 'mainnet' | 'ropsten'

You can switch the addresses by the mainnet of Ethereum, or by Ropsten testnet.

import {FunctionAddresses} from '@devprotocol/khaos-core'

export const addresses: FunctionAddresses = async ({network}) =>
network === 'mainnet'
? '0x1510EA12a30E5c40b406660871b335feA32f29A'
: '0x609Fe85Dbb9487d55B5eF50451e20ba2Edc8F4B7'

authorize.ts permalink

You can define and export authorize as your authentication method to be called when Sign API of Khaos is called, on this file. The function should returns Promise<boolean | undefined>.

Only in the case where the result of authorize is true, Public Signature is generated and secret information encrypted in Khaos server is saved.

Functions receive the following object as the argument. message is a string subject to verify. Twitter ID and GitHub repository names are examples that correspond to it. secret is information for secret. Since request is HttpRequest Type of @azure/functions, various contexts can be used when Sign API is called.

type Options = {
readonly message: string
readonly secret: string
readonly request: HttpRequest

Because bent is installed as HTTP library for Khaos Starter Kit, you can validate whether the message is justifiable or not by calling an external API. In addition, ramda is also installed as a functional programing library, so you can use it case by case.

import bent from 'bent'
import {always} from 'ramda'
import {FunctionAuthorizer} from '@devprotocol/khaos-core'

const fetcher = bent('', 'json', 'POST')

export const authorize: FunctionAuthorizer = async ({
message: user_id,
}) => {
const authorization = `bearer ${token}`
const {headers} = request
const results = await fetcher<{verified: boolean}>(
Authorization: authorization,
'User-Agent': headers['User-Agent']
return results?.verified

event.ts permalink

You can define and export event as the function, which returns the event name of your smart contract on this file. The function returns Promise<string | undefined>.

The function receives the following object as the argument.

type Options = {
readonly network: 'mainnet' | 'ropsten'

You can switch event names by the mainnet of Ethereum or by Ropsten testnet, though we think you would continue to use the same event names in many cases.

import {FunctionEvent} from '@devprotocol/khaos-core'
import {always} from 'ramda'

export const event: FunctionEvent = always(Promise.resolve('Query'))

oraclize.ts permalink

You can define and export oraclize as the function called by oracle request from smart contracts, on this file. This function plays a vital role. After the return value of this function is formatted by pack function as stated below, it is transferred to blockchain through callbacks for smart contracts. The time when oraclize function is called is after events are detected and secret information is obtained through Public Signature as a key.

The function receives the following object as the argument, as stated below. signatureOptions is decrypted data of Public Signature. Only in the case where generated Public Signature is included in event payloads when the result of the authorize function returns true, signatureOptions is defined. In other words, if unauthorized Public Signature is included, undefined is given back. query.publicSignature includes event payloads with Public Signature. query.transactionhash includes transaction-hash that emitted the event. query.allData includes all event payloads.

type Options = {
readonly signatureOptions?: {
readonly message: string
readonly id: string
readonly address: string
readonly query: {
readonly publicSignature?: string
readonly allData: Record<string, any>
readonly transactionhash: string
readonly network: 'mainnet' | 'ropsten'

The return value of the function is Promise that is solved by the following object.

type Options = {
message: string
status: number
statusMessage: string

The function verifies that the signer of Public Signature and the oracle request sender is the same account in the next example.

import {FunctionOraclizer} from '@devprotocol/khaos-core'

export const oraclize: FunctionOraclizer = async ({signatureOptions, query}) => {
const {queryId, fooId, account} = query.allData
const isSameId = fooId === signatureOptions?.message
const isSameUser = account === signatureOptions?.address
return isSameId && isSameUser
? {
message: queryId,
status: 200,
statusMessage: 'success'
: {
message: queryId,
status: 400,
statusMessage: 'fail'

pack.ts permalink

You can define and export pack as the function that returns the callback function name and your smart contract's arguments on this file.

The function receives the following object as the argument, as stated below. results have the same data as the value gained when Promise, which is returned by oraclize, resolves.

type Options = {
readonly results: {
readonly message: string
readonly status: number
readonly statusMessage: string

In the next example, function named callback are designated to callback by arguments of [results.message, results.status, results.statusMessage].

import {FunctionPack} from '@devprotocol/khaos-core'

export const pack: FunctionPack = async ({results}) => {
return {
name: 'callback',
args: [results.message, results.status, results.statusMessage]

Test permalink

Khaos Starter Kit writing tests by ava as default. You can freely change your testing framework depending on your projects.

Use of Khaos is not essential for the test, however, we strongly suggest that you should prepare as much accurate test case as possible for guaranteeing the specifications and maintainability.

Deploy permalink

After all of your interfaces and tests are ready, you move on to deploy codes.

In Khaos, you need to bundle the functions defined by you into one file of index.js, and deploy to IPFS. With Khaos Starter Kit, you can bundle codes using Rollup as the default bundler and deploy to IPFS nodes on Infura.

This is the only command that you should execute.

yarn deploy

For some source codes, you need to update Rollup's setting and install additional Rollup plugins. In such cases, you can rewrite rollup.config.js, and install additional Rollup plugins. You can also utilize bundlers except for Rollup.

When you deploy, you can get the following standard output, so you should take a memo of the value of IPFS_HASH_FOR_FILE.

> {"Name":"index.js","Hash":"IPFS_HASH_FOR_FILE","Size":"871"}

Khaos Registry permalink

dev-protocol/khaos-registry: 🌌Khaos Registry for functions ipfs hash (

Address maps for deployed functions in IPFS are managed.

Fork this repository, and additionally write the value of IPFS_HASH_FOR_FILE, which you've just taken a note of, for map/functions.json.

"id": "foo-bar",
"ipfs": "<IPFS_HASH_FOR_FILE>"

After you've pushed the changes for the forked repository, create Pull Request for the source repository.

The usage application of Khaos is limited to Dev Protocol related contracts currently. Hence, the team verifies whether addresses of deployed functions in IPFS are contracts on Dev Protocol or not.

In the future, Khaos Registry would be re-composited and decentralized as smart contracts.

Khaos Kit permalink

dev-protocol/khaos-kit-js: 🌌Khaos Kit for JavaScript (

Khaos Kit provides API to interact with Khaos from JavaScript(TypeScript).

sign permalink

sign API is a shorthand for HTTP requests that call Sign API of Khaos.

This function takes two arguments. The first argument is Khaos authorization ID, which is the same string designated at id property in Khaos Registry. The second one takes 'mainet' or 'ropsten' as a network name.

// createPublicSignature.ts
import {sign} from '@devprotocol/khaos-kit'

export const createPublicSignature = sign('foo-bar', 'mainnet')

sign returns a function to take KhaosSignOptions as the argument. message of KhaosSignOptions is the message used for the signature. signature is the signature created in the user's Ethereum wallet. secret is information that your Dapps want to conceal.

To write a signature with the user's Ethereum wallet, you have to use API for Web3 or Ethers, etc.

import {KhaosSignOptions} from '@devprotocol/khaos-kit'
import {createPublicSignature} from './createPublicSignature'

const getPublicSignature = async ({message, signature, secret}: KhaosSignOptions) => {
const results = await createPublicSignature({
console.log(results) // {publicSignature: 'eyJ...', address: '0x...'}
return results.publicSignature

emulate permalink

emulate API emulates the result of emitted events for oracle requests with off-chain.

This function takes two arguments. The first argument is Khaos authorization ID, which is the same string designated at id property in Khaos Registry. The second one takes 'mainet' or 'ropsten' as a network name.

// emulator.ts
import {emulate} from '@devprotocol/khaos-kit'

export const emulator = emulate('foo-bar', 'mainnet')

emulate returns a function to take KhaosEmulateOptions as the argument. KhaosEmulateOptions takes event object that changed the all same information as Event of @ethersproject/contracts into optional. Event.arg is extend type of Array by {readonly [key: string]: any}, but KhaosEmulateOptions.args is simplified by overridden at Record<string, string | number | undefined | null>.

This function's return value is based on additional data called expectedTransaction and the return value of pack, which you created with Khaos Starter Kit.

import {KhaosEmulateOptions} from '@devprotocol/khaos-kit'
import {emulator} from './emulator'

const predictCallbackStatus = async ({args}}: KhaosSignOptions) => {
const results= await emulator({
* {
* data: {
* name: 'callback',
* args: ['0x...', 200, 'success'],
* expectedTransaction: {
* gasLimit: '122004',
* success: true
* }
* }
* }


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