How to use dev-kit-js#1
How to use dev-kit-js #1
Introduction permalink
We’ll write a series of articles on the way to use dev-kit-js
, a library equipped in Dev Protocol. This time, we’re going to touch on how to use it in relation with Dev token.
What’s dev-kit-js? permalink
dev-kit is a library to utilize functions of Dev Protocol from JavaScript (TypeScript).
Installing permalink
npm i -D @devprotocol/dev-kit
How to use permalink
Create a client of dev-kit-js
In order to make use of dev-kit-js
, you need to implement contractFactory and create a client. You also need Provider for contractFactory. Provider can be obtained from web3js.
import Web3 from "web3/dist/web3.min"
const provider = new Web3(window.ethereum)
const clientDev = contractFactory(provider.currentProvider)
If you use web3 atpure js
, you have to import it fromdist/web3.min.js
After you’ve created a client, you can use it as stated below.
const balanceOfDEV = await
Equipped functions permalink
The following 12 types are categorized as equipped functions.
- allocator
- dev
- lockup
- market
- metrics
- policy
- policyFactory
- policyGroup
- property
- propertyFactory
- registry
- withdraw
How to use Dev token related functions permalink
Before you start permalink
There are several functions related to DEV token in dev
as equipped functions.
You need to pass Address of DEV token as an argument to use dev
at first.
You can obtain Address of DEV token as stated below.
import {addresses, contractFactory} from "@devprotocol/dev-kit"
const registryContract = clientDev.registry(addresses.eth.main.registry)
const addressDEV = await registryContract.token()
If you need Address of Ropsten environment, check the following example.
const registryContract = clientDev.registry(addresses.eth.ropsten.registry)
const addressDEV = await registryContract.token()
name permalink
You can obtain the name of DEV token.
- Argument
- N/A
- Return value
- Token name
- Token name
- How to use
const name = await // Dev
symbol permalink
You can obtain Symbol of DEV token.
- Argument
- N/A
- Return value
- Token Symbol
- Token Symbol
- How to use
const symbol = await // DEV
decimals permalink
You can return the digit numbers after the decimal point that Dev token uses.
- Argument
- N/A
- Return value
- Digit numbers after the decimal point that the token uses
- Digit numbers after the decimal point that the token uses
- How to use
const decimals = await // 18
totalSupply permalink
You can return the number of issued DEV token.
- Argument
- N/A
- Return value
- The number of issued DEV token
- The number of issued DEV token
- How to use
const totalSupply = await
balanceOf permalink
You can obtain the balance of DEV token for designated address
- Argument
- Wallet address
- Return value
- DEV token balance
- DEV token balance
- How to use
const balanceOfDEV = await
For DEV token gained through such functions as balanceOf (ERC20), 18 digits are defined as after the decimal point. Therefore, the value of DEV token is the value that is carried down by 18 digits from the value obtained. Dealing with the number having 18 digits on JavaScript leads to an overflow, so you have to use it with a library.
import {BigNumber} from "@ethersproject/bignumber"
const decimalNumber = Math.pow(10, decimals).toString() // 1000000000000000000
const dev = BigNumber.from(balanceOf).div(decimalNumber).toString()
transfer permalink
You can transfer Dev token to A.
- Argument
- Wallet address you’ll transfer to
- The number of DEV token to transfer
- Return value
- Success or failure
- Success or failure
- How to use
const decimalNumber = Math.pow(10, decimals).toString()
const transferDev = BigNumber.from(転送するDEVトークン数).mul(decimalNumber).toString()
const transfer = await転送先のアドレス, transferDev)
approve permalink
You can approve the transfer of DEV token from a designated address.
- Argument
- Wallet address to approve transfer
- The number of DEV token to transfer
- Return value
- Success or failure
- Success or failure
- How to use
const decimalNumber = Math.pow(10, decimals).toString()
const approveDev = BigNumber.from(TheNumberOfDEVTokenToTransfer).mul(decimalNumber).toString()
const approve = await, approveDev)
allowance permalink
You can return the approved amount of DEV token that can be withdrawn.
- Argument
- Wallet address that you approved transfer
- Wallet address that is approved for transfer
- Return value
- Transferable Dev token
- Transferable Dev token
- How to use
const allowance = await転送を許可したウォレットアドレス, 転送を許可されたウォレットアドレス)
transferFrom permalink
You can withdraw approved DEV token.
- Argument
- Wallet address that you approved transfer
- Wallet address that is approved for transfer
- The amount to transfer
- Return value
- Success or failure
- Success or failure
- How to use
const decimalNumber = Math.pow(10, decimals).toString()
const transferDev = BigNumber.from(TheAmountToTransfer).mul(decimalNumber).toString()
const transferFrom = await, WalletAddressThatIsApprovedForTransfer, transferDev)
deposit permalink
You can stake Dev token for property.
- Argument
- Address of property to stake
- The number of Dev to stake
- Return value
- Success or failure
- Success or failure
- How to use
const decimalNumber = Math.pow(10, decimals).toString()
const stakingDev = BigNumber.from(TheNumberOfDevToStake).mul(decimalNumber).toString()
const staking = await, stakingDev)
contract permalink
You can return the instance of Contact in web3js.
- Argument
- N/A
- Return value
- Contract in web3js
- How to use
const contract = await
// You can use Contract in web3js.
Conclusion permalink
For dev
functions of dev-kit-js
, functions defined at ERC20 are equipped. deposit function is equipped for dev-kit-js
as well. If you make use of deposit functions, you can start staking Dev by using a program, and you’ll be able to create a Dapp like Stakes.Social. We also have Lockup.withdraw
, a function to terminate staking, and withdraw.withdraw
, a function to withdraw creator reward. We’ll introduce them to you in our next article.
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