How to create Dev Protocol Dapp (3/3)

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Hello permalink

I would like to create a simple Dapp in 3 steps using the library provided by the Dev Protocol.
This is the third article. If you haven't seen it before, it's a good idea to go back and move on.

This time I would like to make a connection with my wallet and the process of staking to tokens.

STEP01: Prepare the development environment permalink

We will continue to use the development environment that was created last time.
This time we will handle Ethereum with a window object, so let's create a type file for it. It also uses the HttpProvider type, so install it.

npm install web3-core

Save the code below as src/types/window.d.ts

import { HttpProvider } from 'web3-core'

export interface RequestArguments {
readonly method: string,
readonly params?: unknown[] | object

export interface Ethereum extends HttpProvider {
request: (args: RequestArguments) => Promise<unknown>
isMetaMask: boolean
chainId: string | undefined

declare global {
interface Window {
ethereum?: Ethereum

window.ethereum is an extension that is inserted when you add MetaMask to your browser.
The above type declares only the one used in this Dapp. If you want to know everything, you can check from the following

About the page to be created this time permalink

This time, I would like to add a staking function to the detail page created last time.
By pressing the button on the token, it will be stakes as 1DEV, 5DEV, 10DEV.
tokens page

STEP02: Login to MetaMask permalink

You need to connect to your wallet (MetaMask) to stake your DEV.

MetaMask is a wallet for Ethereum.
Please install the Chrome version of MetaMask from here

This time I will use MetaMask, but there are various other wallets for Ethereum.
Find Ethereum Wallets

You need a wallet address to stake.You must be logged in to MetaMask to get your wallet address
I have prepared a sample code for that.
Save the code below as src/assets/ts/wallets.ts

* Login process when the LOGIN button is pressed
* If you can get the address from MetaMask, you can login.

export const clickLoginButton = async function () {
if (!isMetamask()) {
alert("Please install MetaMask")

if (! await connectMetaMask()) {
alert("Please allow connection with MetaMask")

if (! await isMetaMaskLogin()) {
alert("Please login from MetaMask")

if (!isMainNet()) {
alert("Please switch to the main net")

alert("You are logged in to MetaMask")



* Used when you want to judge the login status at the time of initial display

export const isLogin = async (): Promise<boolean> => {
if (!isMetamask()) {
return false;

if (! await isMetaMaskLogin()) {
return false;

if (!isMainNet()) {
return false;

return true;

* Style change when login and non-login of login button
* @param button

export const loggedInStyle = (button: HTMLButtonElement) => {
button.classList.replace("btn-outline-warning", "btn-outline-success");

button.textContent = "LOGGED IN";

* Determine if MetaMask is connected to the main network

function isMainNet() {
return parseInt(window.ethereum.chainId) === 1;

* Determine if MetaMask is installed

function isMetamask (): boolean {
return !! window.ethereum && !! window.ethereum.isMetaMask;

* Get the wallet address from MetaMask

async function getAccount() {
const accounts = await window.ethereum.request({method: 'eth_accounts'}) as string[];

return accounts[0];

* Determine if you are logged in

async function isMetaMaskLogin(): Promise<boolean> {
return !! await getAccount();

* Connect with MetaMask

async function connectMetaMask(): Promise<boolean> {
try {
await window.ethereum.request({method: 'eth_requestAccounts'})
} catch (e) {
if (e.code === 4001) {
return false

return true

For more details on how to use MetaMask, please see here.

After writing the code, add the following code to main.ts.
This is the code that gets the HTMLElement of the login button and calls the clickLoginButton created above when the login button is clicked.

// Add Import to call the process at the beginning of the file
import {clickLoginButton} from "./wallets";


if (document.getElementById("page-tokens")) {
// Write below the if statement
const loginButton = document.getElementById("login-button");

loginButton.addEventListener('click', clickLoginButton);


STEP03: Preparing to stake permalink

If you want to stake Dev, use the library dev-kit provided by Dev Protocol.

dev-kit is a library that makes it easy to execute contracts provided by the Dev Protocol from the front end. Details can be found from here.

install dev-kit

npm i -D @devprotocol/dev-kit

Also, this time we need to connect to the Ethereum node, so install web3.js as well.

For web3js, please refer to this Documentation.

npm install web3

When staking with dev-kit, use as follows

import Web3 from "web3/dist/web3.min";
import {addresses, contractFactory} from "@devprotocol/dev-kit";

// create Client
const provider = new Web3(window.ethereum)
const clientDev = contractFactory(provider.currentProvider)

// Get the DevProtocol address of the main network
const registryContract = clientDev.registry(addresses.eth.main.registry)
const address = await registryContract.token()

// staking['property address'], ['amount of DEV'])

STEP04: Create a staking process permalink

Code so that staking is performed at the push of a button. Add the following to main.ts

import {clickLoginButton} from "./wallets";
import Web3 from "web3/dist/web3.min";
import {addresses, contractFactory} from "@devprotocol/dev-kit";


if (document.getElementById("page-tokens")) {

const tokensHTMLElement = document.getElementById("tokens");

for ( const token of await getTokens(creatorAddress)) {

// Get all buttons for all tokens
const buttons = tokensHTMLElement.querySelectorAll('button');

// Add a click event to the button
for ( const button of buttons) {
button.addEventListener('click', async function () {
const address = this.getAttribute("address")
const amount = this.getAttribute("amount")

await stakeDev(address, amount)

The code from here can be added below the above code or written in another file and then imported.

async function stakeDev (propertyAddress: string, amount: string) {
const provider = new Web3(window.ethereum)
const clientDev = contractFactory(provider.currentProvider)

const registryContract = clientDev.registry(addresses.eth.main.registry)

const address = await registryContract.token()

return, amount)

After making the coding and minor modifications so far, pressing the button will launch MetaMask as shown below.

tokens page
You can check the source code of the completed version from the following

Summary permalink

This completes the simple Dapp creation using the library provided by Dev Protocol Dev Protocol.
The various libraries also have various functions not introduced this time.
I would like to introduce those functions as well, so please look forward to it.

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- Dev Protocol releases all codes as OSS in public. Your contributions are welcome.(Sometimes there are bounties.)
Dev Protocol GitHub

- DIP (Dev Improvement Proposal) process is also released. We’re looking forward to seeing your comments on it.🌟