How to create Dev Protocol Dapp (2/3)

Watch, 14 min

Hello permalink

I would like to create a simple Dapp in 3 steps using the library provided by the Dev Protocol.
This is the second. If you haven't read the last time yet, please go back to 1st.
This time I would like to make a detailed page of the creator

Prepare the development environment permalink

We will continue to use the development environment that was used the first time.
For details, please check 1st

Overview of the detail page permalink

The page will create this time will be the creator details page that is transitioned from the creator list page. On the creator details page, the creator's information and the tokens possessed are displayed.
tokens page

STEP01:Get creator information permalink

Creator information is got from dev-for-apps. The creator's address used to get it is added to the link URL from the index page

* Page transition from index with the following URL
* https://localhost:3000/tokens.html?creator=xxxxx

const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;
const creator = urlParams.get('creator')

const query_params = new URLSearchParams({
address: creator,

const response = await fetch("" + query_params, {
method: "GET"


STEP02: Get token information permalink

The token information is got from the Data Viewer.

const response = await fetch("", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"X-Requested-With": "xhr",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify({
query: `
query Properties {
property_meta(where: {author: {_eq: "
${address}"}}) {

STEP03: Get cover image of token permalink

In Data Viewer, the token cover image cannot be got, so it is got from dev-for-app.

const query_params = new URLSearchParams({
address: address,

const response = await fetch("" + query_params, {
method: "GET"

The acquired data is in the following JSON format.

"cover_image": {
"url": "",

Various information other than this can be obtained, but here, the information other than those used on the details page is omitted.

STEP04: Code the detail page permalink

Code the detail page. Please code main.ts referring to the code below

window.addEventListener("load", async () => {
* main.ts is called from both the list page and the detail page.
* So you need to separate the processing for each

// Warning: The processing of the list page created in the first time moves to this if statement
if (document.getElementById("page-index")) {


// Write the processing of the detail page from here
if (document.getElementById("page-tokens")) {
// Get the creator's address from the GET parameter of the URL
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;
const creatorAddress = urlParams.get('creator');

// Get creator information using dev-for-app
const creatorInfo = await getCreatorInfo(creatorAddress);

// Creating HTML to display creator information
const profileElementString = `
<img class="mb-4 rounded-circle border border-3 border-dark" src="
${creatorInfo.portrait.url}" alt="creator image" width="168" height="168" style="object-fit: contain">
<p class="mb-0 fs-5">

const creatorHTMLElement = document.getElementById("creator");
creatorHTMLElement.innerHTML = profileElementString;

// Get HTML to display token information
const tokensHTMLElement = document.getElementById("tokens");

// Get the token list from Data Viewer
for (const token of await getTokens(creatorAddress)) {
// Get an image of the token
const tokenInfo = await getPropertiesInfo(

if (!tokenInfo) {

const image = tokenInfo.cover_image ? tokenInfo.cover_image.url : ""

// Creating HTML to display token information
const div = document.createElement('div');

div.innerHTML = `
<article class="mt-4 mb-3 d-flex">
<img class="me-3" src="
${image}" alt="token image" width="128" height="96" style="object-fit: contain">
<div class="d-flex flex-column justify-content-between">
<p class="fs-6">
<div class="d-flex">
<button type="button" class="me-3 btn btn-lg btn-primary" address="
${}" amount="1">1 DEV</button>
<button type="button" class="me-3 btn btn-lg btn-success" address="
${}" amount="5">5 DEV</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-lg btn-danger" address="
${}" amount="10">10 DEV</button>

const tokenHTMLElement = div.firstElementChild;

// Add to tokens html

The code from here is added below the above code. Or you can code it in another file and then import it.

async function getPropertiesInfo(address) {
const query_params = new URLSearchParams({
address: address,

const response = await fetch("" + query_params, {
method: "GET"

const info = await response.json();

if (!info[0]) {

return info[0];
async function getTokens(creator) {
const response = await fetch("", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"X-Requested-With": "xhr",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify({
query: `
query Properties {
property_meta(where: {author: {_eq: "
${creator}"}}) {
const json = await response.json();


With the coding so far and a few modifications, the page is complete.
tokens page
You can check the source code of the completed version from the following

Summary permalink

This time, I got the token information that the creator has from Data Viewer, got the image of the token from dev-for-app, and made a detail page. You may be accustomed to using Data Viewer and dev-for-app.
Next time, I would like to process staking to tokens and create a connection with my wallet.
Thank you.

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- Dev Protocol releases all codes as OSS in public. Your contributions are welcome.(Sometimes there are bounties.)
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- DIP (Dev Improvement Proposal) process is also released. We’re looking forward to seeing your comments on it.🌟